The kids got to spend Fathers Day with us this year! Normally they go with Evan (my ex) for fathers day but this year he waited until last minute to ask for them and then called up on Fathers Day morning slurring his words and yelled at Kaleb on the phone. I felt that he was either high or drunk and kept the kids with us. Blade and I were both very happy to have them with us, we both hate when they have to go. I was especially glad that Blade got to have them on Fathers Day he has always been such a good daddy to them and they both say he is their dad and I couldn't agree more. The kids and I made cards and a sign that says "Best dad hands down" with their hand prints on it, we gave them to Blade first thing in the morning and then I made homemade waffles from scratch, Then Kaleb and Blade played his new game my mom gave him. We spent most of the day just relaxing and having fun together.

Our sweet, cute ,little nephew Brock turned 1 on Fathers Day. We went to a Birthday party around 5 for him. He is so cute we all love him so much! It was such a fun little Birthday party and so fun to be with a lot of our family. The kids are so cute with him and so sweet, every time I see them with him it makes me so excited for when the day will come that we have a baby. I can't believe he is already 1 time has flown by so fast. It still feels like yesterday I got to hold him in the hospital!
The Birthday Boy! |
Looks to me like Brock has Grandpa Shawn's ears and eyes!