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Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Pregnancy update!

As of today I am 12 weeks 4 days pregnant! I am getting close to the 2nd trimester and I am feeling it. My morning sickness is getting better and a lot less often. I am still very tired all the time but feel like I am getting some energy back very slowly! I have also started showing. I can't believe how big I am already. It seems like it took a lot long with Kaleb and Raelyn to start having a bump and now my pants are starting to get tight this week. Blade says it is very cute and he loves the bump but I feel like I look 4 or 5 months pregnant not 3.  I have seen the Dr twice now. The first time was at 8 weeks cause I was so nervous about having another miscarriage so he scheduled me for an ultrasound and this is what we saw....

Our perfect, heathy, little baby! We got to hear the heart beat and it was a strong 165! The next appointment was this past Friday. I was so excited to hear the heartbeat but the baby was being such a little stinker I started to get very scared that something was wrong. As soon as the Dr put the doppler on my stomach he heard the heartbeat but the baby moved away and it took a very long time to find it again, and the baby hid behind my artery so you could mostly hear my heartbeat. The Dr had to guess at the heart rate and said it was close to 150! I am so happy this pregnancy is going good and to see that my baby is growing strong! I can't wait for July to get here!
Here is a pic of me last week I was 11 weeks 3 days!

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Family Photos!

It has been forever since I blogged last, I have been so sick and so busy with the hubby, house, kids and pregnancy that I just haven't gotten around to it. I am starting to feel a lot better and keep up with things better so hopefully I will be blogging more often.
Back in November, about a week before Thanksgiving, we went and had some family pictures taken. It was a lot of fun and I love how they turned it! I have been so excited over them but we have kept them a secret cause they were a Christmas present for our parents. I am so excited to finally have some professional pictures of our family other than our wedding photos!