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Thursday, September 29, 2011

F*** Cancer!

First off I have to say I'm sorry if my title offends anyone but that is truly how I feel. My family has had way too much of it's share of cancer, My grandpa had it, he is ok now, my uncle, he is ok now, and a few other distant relatives. My biological father and his brother both had Colon cancer, so pretty much I feel like I am doomed to get it. The worst of it all is my Aunt Kay. She has had caner for 6 years now, it's so difficult because it's such a rare form of cancer so rare there is only one other person living in the US with the same type. Every type of treatment they have done has been experimental. They aren't really sure what will work what wont etc. Kay has been so brave and so strong through all of this. I don't think I could stay as positive and strong as she has through all of this. This past week has literally been hell for our family. We found out that her cancer is spreading and is out of control right now. It's making her very sick. They are starting her on what is the last form of treatment they have. The treatment runs a lot of risks and is really scary but it's all there is left to do so now we all hope and pray this is what finally works. If it doesn't work the doctors have given her 1 to 3 months to live. I am so sad, but I know my Aunt and I know she is a fighter I know she will not give up without putting up one hell of a fight. Not only is she my aunt but she is also my boss. I have spent many many days with her and I would have to say that out of all my aunts and uncles I am closest to her. I hope through all of this she knows how proud and how much we all love her. If anyone know someone who is dealing with any time of cancer just be there for that person, fight for that person, never give up on them, as soon as you give up hope they will too.

My Grandpa and Aunt Kay!

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