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Tuesday, September 6, 2011

My little brag post!

So I have decided to do a new thing from time to time and brag about the things I have made or done, it's not to sound like a brat or be "look at me" kind of thing I just want to show what I have done, I am proud of myself for all that I have learned to do since becoming a mommy and wife and living on my own! Since this is the first one I'm going to put quite a bit on here the others will probably be shorter!

Raelyn's Apron!

Rice Bags! 

Bow Holder!

And last but not least, Food!
Kaleb's Birthday Cake!

Raelyn's Birthday Cake!

 Homemade Rolls!

 Homemade pizza!

And on a side note I went to the Dr. today for my yearly (girl) Check up and was told that everything is okay and found out that I am now in the clear to get pregnant again! I am so excited and hope it happens soon! I was going to keep all this a secret but I decided that there is no shame in trying to have a baby, no shame in going through a loss of a baby, I started to blog because I wanted to share my life with other people and I hope somehow I can make a difference even if that means talking about the struggles of trying to conceive or the struggles of losing a baby.


  1. I love that you're bragging about yourself-good for you! We'll keep you guys in our thoughts and hope for a baby soon!

  2. Thank you Ashlee that means a lot!
