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Friday, June 3, 2011

Getting back on track.

It's been 2 weeks now since I had the miscarriage and it's time to get my life back on track. Before I got pregnant I was doing really good at working out almost everyday. I even lost about 5 pounds. Once I found out I was pregnant I didn't work out as hard or as often. Yesterday was the first time I worked out in 2 weeks. It felt so good but at the same time I struggled more than I had before. I know I will get back to where I was pretty quickly but still frustrating. I have made some goals for all the things I need to do in life. One of them is to workout 5-6 days a week. I plan on doing Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred one day, and Zumba Fitness for Wii on the other days. I hope to lose 5 to 10 pounds before we try for another baby.

That brings me to my next change. I need to start taking my prenatal vitamins again. We aren't going to try for another baby for at least 3 months but it is still good for me to take them and have them in my system for if or when I do get pregnant. I was taking them for about a month before I got pregnant and took them everyday when I was pregnant. After the miscarriage I just couldn't stand the thought of even looking at them.

It is also time I start doing more things for me, I am going to make sure at least one night a week I scrapbook, or read a book, or go tanning. I want to make sure I do something that is just for me. I sometimes feel that between Blade, the kids, work, and depression, I have lost myself. I am going to try to start saving up some money to buy a sewing machine. I would really like to learn how to sew and make homemade stuff!

1 comment:

  1. Maybe it's just me, but I absolutely love sewing. I don't have kids yet so I am able to do it without much of a distraction, but I feel pretty accomplished and proud of myself when I finish something-even if it's just curtains!

    Every mom and wife needs time to themselves so I'm proud of you for starting that. Good luck!
